ESTEEM Assessors Ltd. does thousands of appraisals of individual objects and of collections for insurance companies, institutions, lawyers and individual clients
ESTEEM Assessors Ltd. specializes in providing lawyers with expert opinions as well as advising, managing and arranging dissolutions and the division of inheritances. The company's experts have supervised dozens of divisions of property, art and valuables for probate lawyers
ESTEEM Assessors Ltd. specializes in "cash and carry" private collection sales. This system enables collections to be sold in their entirety. The ESTEEM experts produce a catalog, price the collection and prepare it for the sale. ESTEEM has a wide list of invitees, thereby ensuring the best possible sale results and avoiding the need to transfer either the entire collection or a part of it to the various auction houses. Among the most significant sales ESTEEM Assessors Ltd. has effected using that system are that of the Meir Weissgal collection at the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Fan Cohen collection in Jerusalem, the Ambassador Avraham Darom collection in Tel Aviv and the David Malick collection in Savyon. ESTEEM Assessors Ltd. offers cataloging services for private clients as well as for institutions. The collections are presented both in paper and in digital catalogs with accompanying descriptions of the articles as well as their value
The experts at ESTEEM Assessors Ltd. offer a Second Opinion service for clients who wish to check prices before purchasing expensive objects. The ESTEEM Assessors Ltd. experts examine the asking price and, if need be, give a counter assessment. Clients have saved hundreds of dollars that way. In most cases, people ask for a second opinion before buying jewelry, diamonds, antique furniture and carpets.